Psalm 9:15: “The nations have sunk in the pit that they made;
in the net that they hid, their own foot has been caught.”
As I wrote this article for Bible Alive Ministries, we are in a time of spiritual and moral decay in America. The signs of a fledgling nation are upon us. What with political corruption, and personal corruption at so many levels of society, it is not wonder we are experiencing such chaos and wretchedness. True believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are trying to stave off this immersion of America into total disrepair. But the problem is not social, economic, or dare I say, racial. These issues are symptoms of the problem which is the darkness of the heart of man. A nation that turns its back on God does so because of the depravity of the human heart. And the nation that forsakes all semblance of worship of the true and living God will turn itself on its own head. God often judges a nation by simply giving them what they desire. In America, we are coming off decades of feminism, fatherlessness, and failure on the part of the large majority of churches to proclaim the reformed Biblical doctrines that were sacrificed for by the Reformers 500-600 years ago. All of this is rebellion against God and His written and revealed Word. So it’s no wonder at all, as to why America as a whole, seems to be on the roadway to Hell. What has America wanted? To disregard Biblical marriage and pervert God’s plan for that relationship. America has fought for its right to murder the unborn and call it choice. Many in positions of leadership are so money driven that they compromise at every turn because they do not want to lose their security. America has loudly said no to the Biblical disciplining of the children, and now we have grown people destroying homes, businesses, and entire cities. Our universities blatantly abandoned objective truth decades ago, and the school system is a training ground for atheists, Marxists, and communists that hate God, authority, and the Word of God. It’s no wonder. And the Psalmist David makes clear that the wicked nations of the world will bring about their own demise. Notice in Psalm 9:15 that David makes clear that the nations have sunk in the pit that they made. This is the clear biblical law that “you reap what you sow.” A nation that dismantles any sign of bowing down to King Jesus will implode and that is what is happening in America. This is nothing new, as so many nations have come and gone for the same reasons as mentioned above. And the lifestyle of the wicked will actually serve as a net to trap the ones that think their wickedness will set them free. What a lesson in irony. The wicked demands their freedom, and they only cause their bondage to increase more and more as they reject the Prince of Peace Himself. May we stay faithful in the times of spiritual and wicked decay. There is no hope for the soul, save for the power of the gospel in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. All true believers are commanded to remain faithful to the Lord, and the wicked are all commanded to repent and believe the gospel.